Robert Ludvigovich Bartini

Robert Ludvigovich (14 May 1897 - 6 December 1974) was a Russian aircraft designer and scientist. Active mostly in Soviet Union, he was named, because of his noble descent "Red Baron".[1]


Personal life/history

Ludvigovich was born in Fiume, Austria-Hungary (now Rijeka, Croatia).[2] He was the son of an unmarried 17 year old girl. Her aunts and tutors, impoverished aristocrats originally from the city of Miskolc, North-East of Budapest, granted custody of the child to a peasant family. When the natural father of the child, a married man, refused to recognize the baby as his son, the young mother drowned herself. [3]

Besides excellent family education, in 1915 he graduated from gymnasium, was drafted and sent to school of officers' reserve located in the town of Banská Bystrica (today's Slovakia). Upon graduation in 1916, Bartini was sent to Russian-Austrian-Hungarian front where he was captured in June 1916, flying school in 1921 and Politecnico di Milano in 1922. Bartini became a member of the Italian Communist Party in 1921. After the Fascist takeover in Italy in 1923, he was transferred undercover to the USSR as an aviation engineer. He occupied several engineering and command positions in the Soviet Air Force and Red Army. He became the head of the department of amphibious experimental aircraft design in 1928. He was the head of the design department of NII GVF, general designer (chief designer), since 1930.

He was imprisoned from 1938 to 1946. He continued his work on new aircraft designs as a prisoner in TsKB 29 NKVD and in OKB-86 on the territory of Dimitrov Aircraft Factory and Beriev Aircraft Company in Taganrog (1946–1952), then in SibNIA, Novosibirsk. R.L.Bartini was rehabilitated in 1956.

He also published papers concerning aviation construction materials and technology, aerodynamics, dynamics of flight, and even theoretical physics.[4][5][6]

He died in Moscow, Russia.

Aircraft designer

in Monino airfield, Moscow[1]

Name Description
Stal-6 Experimental fighter - established Soviet speed record
DAR Stainless steel flying boat (long range Arctic reconnaissance)
Stal-7 Twin engined stainless steel airliner
Er-2 (AKA DB-240) military version by V.G. Ermolaev. First flown June 1940.
Er-2 2xAM-35 April 1942.
Er-2 2xACh-30B ~300 were built. 3x1000kg bombs. Max speed 446km/h. Range 5000km
Er-2[1] None
A-57 Revolutionary 'boat bomber', a jet-powered flying boat strategic bomber
VVA-14-1/M-62 Ground effect aircraft. Designed for the anti-submarine role. Bartini-Beriev 1972.
AL-40 nuclear engine hydroplane. none built. SibNIA, 1960s.
R 53.6K All the aerodynamic surfaces were "calculatable" and have up to 4-th derivative function value. 1940s.


Sergey Pavlovich Korolev named Bartini as his teacher. At various times and to different degrees, Bartini has been connected with Korolev, Sergey Ilyushin, Oleg Antonov, Vladimir Myasishchev, Alexander Yakovlev and many others. In the literature on aerodynamics there is a term (definition) "Effect of Bartini".

Engineering creativity

The method developed by Bartini has received the name " And - And " from the principle of the connection of mutually exclusive requirements, or "Both that..., And another "...


  1. ^ a b Ciampaglia 2009, p. 28.
  2. ^ Chutko (1978)
  3. ^ Ciampaglia 2009, pp. 11-12.
  4. ^ Ciampaglia (2009)
  5. ^ Oros di Bartini (1965)
  6. ^ Oros di Bartini (1966)
  1. Chutko, I. (1978) Red aircraft. Moscow: Political Literature. (russ. И. Чутко "Красные самолёты". М. Изд. полит. литературы, 1978)
  2. Ciampaglia, Giuseppe. La vita e gli aerei di Roberto Bartini. (In Italian) Roma, IBN Istituto Bibliografico Napoleone, 2009. ISBN 88-7565-076-4.
  3. Roberto Oros di Bartini. Some relations between physical constants. In: Doklady Acad. Nauk USSR, 1965, v.163, No.4, p.861-864 (In English, Russian); Originally: Доклады Академии наук, 1965, т.163, №4, c.861-864.).
  4. Roberto Oros di Bartini. Some relations between physical constants. In the collection: Problems of the Theory of Gravitation and Elementary Particles, Atomizdat, 1966, p. 249-266, in Russian only (сборник Проблемы теории гравитации и элементарных частиц, М., Атомиздат, 1966, с.249-266).
  5. Roberto Oros di Bartini. Relations Between Physical Constants. In: Progress in Physics, 2005., v.3, p. 34-40, (in English).
  6. Kuznetsov O.L., Bolshakov B.E. (2000) Kuznetsov P.G. and the problem of sustainable development of the humanity in the system nature-society-man. /russ. О. Л. Кузнецов, Б. Е. Большаков. П. Г. Кузнецов и проблема устойчивого развития Человечества в системе природа—общество—человек. 2000)
  7. Avdeev Ju. (2008) Prescient Genius, Red Star. (russ. Ю. Авдеев, (2008), Гений предвидения, "Красная звезда".) Retrieved 22-Oct-2010 from
  8. Aleinikov, A.G. (2007). The Conservation of Extencia: A New Law of Conservation. The Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 49-65.
  9. Aleinikov, A.G. & Smarsh D.A. (2007). Volumetric Conservation of Power: Volupower. Allied Academies International Fall Conference, Reno, NV.

Literature to Read

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